14 February, 2012


It's been a long time since my last post! Pardon me because of my laziness. Life so much crazier now. Time flies and i still have nothing to do. Everybody growns up and has something to "fight" the "real" world. Me? Mmm.. still not sure.

Ok, forget about it.

So, in this post, i would like to introduce my new-handmade-notebook. Yesterday i made this notebook until 2 am. Yeah, a little insomnia sometimes help me to create something. The equipment required are very simple: glue, samson paper, kertas duplek (i don't know what it called in English), hvs paper, and the important thing is: a lot pieces of pictures from magazine. In this notebook, i use picture from GoGirl Magazines. They have a lot of beautiful pictures and design. Actually i have collect the picture since long time ago. So i just pick some pieces and stick it in the cover of the notebook. No need to choose and cut it again from magazines. Ok, there we go *drumroll*

Back side

And these are snap shoot from magazine that i love the most:

It's funny when you find your name on magazine ;p (btw it used to be Cameron Diaz ;p)
Who doesn't love Lomo??
I wish my life could be simple as live-love-laugh


See ya! ;)


  1. candy yummy yang cantiiik, ini notebook-nya dijual? sangat sangat keren dan keren :D

  2. Halooo Arini. Maaf notebook ini nggak dijual, cuma iseng-iseng bikin buat nampung pola-pola aplikasi flanel. hehe :)



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